Monday, February 29, 2016


  1. By The Finger of fire, let the gates of the strong city of flowing wealth crumble at the presence of the Lord of Heaven’s armies! in Jesus name.
  2. You the everlasting doors of the strong city of my prosperity, hear the Word of the Lord: Vomit your treasures unto me in the name of Jesus.
  3. O God Arise and anoint me for ministry as one of Your TREASURERS on earth this year! in the name of Jesus.
  4. By the angelic power that pull down the walls of Jericho, let the gates of the strong city crumble to dust as I SHOUT ALLELUIA 13 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Jesus’ mighty name.
  5. Every strong room habouring my blessings and breakthrough this year: hear the verdict of fire: VOMIT them now by fir!!!
  6. Every gateman standing at the gate of my prosperity to resist my entry this year, hear the verdict of Heaven: Be paralyzed and be disgraced by fire!!! in the name of Jesus.
  7. You the strongman keeping the treasures of the strong city of my prosperity: I disarm you and bind you with fetters of fire!!! in the name of Jesus.
  8. My Heavenly FATHER! disgrace my doubts and desolate my unbelief by catapulting me to my throne of glory in the strong city of my wealth and superabundance this year! in the name of Jesus.
  9. (this next prayer, pray it 13 hot times with fire and thirst and passion) FATHER, You are the Possessor of Heaven and earth, GIVE ME THE STRONG CITY THIS YEAR FOR MY POSSESSION!!! in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every power that has dispossessed me of heaven’s blessings for my life in time past: the hour is come: I COMMAND you to: RESTORE! RESTORE!! RESTORE!!! my stolen blessings now!!! in the name of Jesus.
  11. I point the sword of the KING OF GLORY at the gate of the strong city of wealth and command thus: BE YE LIFTED UP that I may come into my possession now!!! in the name of Jesus.
  12. O Gates of power! Be Ye Opened and admit me by the blood of Jesus! in the name of Jesus.
  13. I blow the trumpet of fire against every gate that wants to lock me out in poverty and penury this year, therefore: O Gates of plenty and prosperity: O-P-E-N by fire unto me in the name of Jesus.
  14. Every “BUT” operating in the foundation of my life to prevent me from obtaining wealth, riches and honor, I immerse you in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Every evil grieving me from my foundation, I rid myself  of your sorrowful grip by the blood of Jesus. in Jesus name.
  16. Every arrow of borrowing unto sorrow assigned to afflict me for this year 2016, gather yourselves together and GO BACK to your senders!!! in Jesus name.
  17. My Father, let Your Hands of Fire, come upon my life and convert my worthlessness into a treasure that would be much in demand, and much sought-after this year! in the name of Jesus.
  18. O Lord of Hosts, enlarge my coast this year by Your sword of fire! Bring my destiny to flourish in the strong city this year, in the name of Jesus.
  19. By faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, I move from minimum to maximum this year! in the name of Jesus.
  20. Thou Stars from Heaven, that fought for Barak and Deborah, Fight for me and Fight my battles this year! in the name of Jesus.
  21. This year, I receive faith to translate my destiny from the dunghill to the palace, from borrowing and debt to giving from abundance! in the name of Jesus.
  22. I declared by the Spirit of faith, that everywhere I have been rejected and mocked in years past, I shall be celebrated and adored this year! in the name of Jesus.
  23. Blood of Jesus! water the roots of my family tree and neutralize every poison that is killing me and my family little-by-little! in the name of Jesus.
  24. By the pen of the Ready-Writer, I draw ink from the blood of Jesus to re-write my family history this year! in the name of Jesus.
  25. Holy Ghost Fire! Rekindle my prayer fire unto victories in the battle of the gates fasting and prayer session, in the name of Jesus. Every holy warrior fighting at the Battle of the gates, Receive fresh surge of Fire to prevail at the altar of prayer, in the name of Jesus.
  26. On this 1st Day of the battle of the gate, I rebel unto victory and freedom against every prison of failure and sorrow! let the gates and the walls of this limiting prison come down and fall flat, after the order of Jericho walls in Jesus name.

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