Wednesday, February 17, 2016


  1. I am a money magnet in the Name of Jesus.
  2. I am a wealth magnet in the Name of Jesus.
  3. I can magnetize $1 million dollars in the Name of Jesus.
  4. I am worth $1 million dollars in the Name of Jesus.
  5. I provide value worth $1 million dollars in the Name of Jesus.
  6. I have talent and knowledge to create $1 million dollars in the Name of Jesus.
  7. Money flows to me easily in the Name of Jesus.
  8. My life and destiny attracts money supernaturally in the Name of Jesus.
  9. My bank balance hear the Word of the Lord, INCREASE DAILY in the Name of Jesus.
  10. I am debt free in the Name of Jesus.
  11. I have an unlimited supply of wealth in Jesus Name.
  12. Wealth comes to me in easiness and grace (power, favor, help, anointing, assistance, and equipping), in the Name of Jesus.
  13. I have a lot of wealth.
  14. I am wealthy in the Name of Jesus.
  15. I am always open to money in the Name of Jesus.
  16. It is okay to have abundant money in my life in the Name of Jesus.
  17. My wealth is more than money and includes resources and good relationships too in the Name of Jesus.
  18. Unexpected money is locating me now in the Name of Jesus.
  19. Money comes to me from every side in the Name of Jesus.
  20. Money comes to me frequently and easily in the Name of Jesus.
  21. I attract money in all types of major currencies in the Name of Jesus.
  22. I have multiple streams (sources) of income from all sides in the Name of Jesus.
  23. I am blessed with money in the Name of Jesus.
  24. I am able to manage large sums of personal money in the Name of Jesus.
  25. Wealth is looking for me right now in the Name of Jesus.
  26. Financial opportunities are coming to me now in the Name of Jesus.
  27. I effortlessly attract abundance into my life in the Name of Jesus.
  28. My life is full of wealth in the Name of Jesus.
  29. There is a great supply of wealth and resources coming for me NOW in the Name of Jesus..
  30. Helpers with big wealth are coming into my life NOW in the Name of Jesus.   
1. Lord of unlimited wealth, appear in my financial situation NOW in the Name of Jesus. (Psalm 24:1)
2. Every power sponsoring lack of money in my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
3. Every power chasing money away from me, DIE in the Name of Jesus. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
4. O Lord, come into my life with you uncommon wealth, in the Name of Jesus. (Genesis 26:13)
5. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob cause money to flow into my life without ceasing in the Name of Jesus. (Genesis 12:2)
6. Every satanic object in my life repelling wealth, DIE FOREVER in the Name of Jesus. (Romans 8:25)
7. O Lord, arise in Your power against every money problem forming or appearing in my life, in the Name of Jesus. (Psalm 68:1)
8. O foundational financial failure in my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus. (Matthew 15:13)
9. O Lord, deliver me from relationships sucking my blessings up in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 54)
10. Fire of God, consume every satanic property magnetizing financial lack in my life in the Name of Jesus. (Hebrews 12:29) 
11. You power of leaking pockets in my foundation and in my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus.
12. You, my bank account, experience the unlimited financial blessings of God NOW in the Name of Jesus. (Job 22:28)
13. Every power that has vowed to make my life miserable by poverty and lack DIE NOW in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 8:9)   
14. O Lord, disgrace my stubborn financial problems in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 50:7)
15. My Father, disappoint my financial disappointments in the Name of Jesus. (Psalm 102:13)
16. Every evil financial strongmen operating in my life, DIE in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 49:24-26)
17. I renounce every evil work of darkness in the Name of Jesus.(Colossians 2:14-15)
18. Fire of God of financial deliverance, FALL UPON MY FINANCIAL LIFE in the Name of Jesus.
19. Every evil pronouncement against my life before any demonic power working against my financial life BE ERASED by the blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus. (Numbers 23:23)
20. The strongman in control of the inflow of money into my life, FALL DOWN AND DIE NOW in the Name of Jesus. (Matthew 12:29)
21. O God, henceforth do not allow lack in my life in the Name of Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
22. Uncommon financial explosion appear in my life today in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 43:19)
23. Every satanic cage on my financial life, BREAK FOREVER in my life in the Name of Jesus. (Luke 10:19)
24. Money explosion APPEAR NOW in my life in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 43:19)
25. Every power sucking up my wealth, DIE in the Name of Jesus. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
26. I rise above my financial roots in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 60:1)
27. All the money belonging to me that is outside, COME IN BY FIRE in the Name of Jesus.
28. Money, APPEAR now for me in overflowing abundance in the Name of Jesus. (Isaiah 45:3)                        

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